Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Video Feature

One of my YouTube viewers wants to feature my T-Shirt Recon Basics #1 video on her blog! I'm all for that. Now if I can just figure out how to email her like she said...


Sunday, January 8, 2012

T-Shirt Recon Tutorial: Rollover

Greetings, T-shirt Surgeons!

This is the tutorial for the "Rollover" design from Generation T, which my viewers call "the JUNO shirt" because I first did this design on a JUNO film shirt.

Happy Snipping!

Dropkick Recon

This is an old post from an OLD blog. This is a recon I did a few summers ago that I did not do a video for, so I wanted to share it here. Here is the post, copied word for word from the old blog:

S*** IS F***ED UP!
December 30, 2008 was my first ever real, buy tickets, go to the venue, touring concert. That was Trans Siberian Orchestra. BUT TONIGHT The Offspring are in Cleveland and Dropkick Murphys are opening! Woooo! Allen gave me one of his old shirts to wear tonight, and of course it didn't fit, so I fixed it and now it looks like this.

Anddd I made the choker. But yeah, I'm super excited for this concert. I. Heart. Offspring. So, you know, I have to buy one of their shirts now.

This was a really simple recon. This was a boy's medium t-shirt, or maybe a large. I cut off the sleeves, sewed up the sides to make the tube fit me snugly, hemmed around the sleeve holes, and cut a straight line down perpendicular to the collar to form a slitted neckline. I then poked small holes in the corners of the flaps that were formed and used scraps of t-shirt fabric to tie the corners back, around the arm bands, to form the cute, tied sleeves you see in the photos. These days I wear the shirt with the flaps un-tied, but tied to each other at the top. So there is still a slit but it covers my front and keeps me a bit warmer.

Thanks for reading, and until next time,
Happy Snipping!

A T-Shirt Recons Blog

Hello, readers!

My name is Cara, and I've started this blog as a way to share more of my t-shirt recons with the world. I do t-shirt recon videos on my YouTube channel, but I don't do them very often, and there are recons I've done without recording them. Since my YouTube is very eclectic, I thought it would be nice for my t-shirt recon enthusiast viewers to have a place to come to where I only talk about t-shirt reconstruction.

Until next time,
Happy Snipping!